Danielle Benoît


Modern mosaics

I have always been attracted by the mosaics in Byzantine churches or those by Fernand Léger, Chagall and George Barque.
From Antiquity to Art Nouveau, this means of expression lives on today through contemporary art. These works are created with slow, patient and repetitive gestures, showcasing the splendor of the materials: marble, granite salvaged from eco-centres, bricks from former industrial plants, rusted metal scraps, slate from the phyllite rock of the Brome-Missisquoi region, or any other inspirational material. All of this contrasts with the brilliance of the coloured or gold leaf smalti handcrafted in Venice.
Practised by the greatest civilizations, the method for creating mosaics has remained unchanged. I use ancient techniques, where the materials are cut by hand and/or with a hammer and chisel. The fragments are then laid one by one, respecting the Andamento (the flow of the tesserae). To master this expressive medium, I trained with internationally renowned mosaicists.